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Eight common heat pump failures of air energy heat pumps

Date: 2022-12-29

In the process of using air energy heat pumps, it is inevitable that there will be faults. Different reasons may cause the same failure. The following is a common heat pump failure:

1. High-pressure protection

The unit panel shows high-pressure protection, which causes many causes of this failure. It is generally divided into waterway system problems and the problem of unit component failure.

(1) Waterway system

Exclude errors in engineering installation. If the unit is reported to have high-pressure protection after a period of normal operation, the water volume is often small, which may be the dirt of the Y -Y-shaped filter or scaling.

(2) Unit component failure

The possibility of reporting high-voltage protection due to common unit failures is not high, and it is important to check whether the fan is working normally.


1) If the fan does not turn, it may be that the fan capacitor or relay is broken, just adjust the multimeter to the gear or measure the on-off gear to judge.

2) If the high-voltage switch is found to be disconnected immediately after the switch is turned on and restarted, there is no doubt that the high-voltage switch itself is broken, just replace it.

3) If the unit has been used for many years, the fins covered with dust may also cause high voltage protection, just clean it with water to troubleshoot.

2. Water flow protection

Water flow protection failure is the most common in all engineering installations.

Regardless of the installation problem, there are generally two possibilities for reporting water flow protection: the water system is not flowing and the water flow switch itself is damaged. Water flow failure is often caused by waterway problems.

3. Low voltage protection

The unit operation panel reported low-pressure protection is often caused by fluorine leakage.

4. Thermal head failure

There are many temperature-sensing head interfaces on the main board of the unit, which are used to detect various temperature parameters required by the system, such as exhaust temperature, return air temperature, and coil temperature.

5. The compressor does not start

Under the premise that there is no problem in the water system, there are various reasons why the compressor does not start. Common problems include the compressor AC contactor stuck, the main board having no output, the compressor shaft stuck, the compressor overcurrent protection, etc.

6. The water pump does not start

There are many possibilities for this situation, which need to be investigated step by step. The specific troubleshooting steps are as follows:

(1) Determine whether the shaft of the water pump is stuck. It can be proved that the shaft of the water pump is stuck if it is hot to touch the water pump or if it is very difficult to turn the fan blade with a screwdriver.

(2) The water pump on the main board has no output signal. Use the voltage range of the multimeter to directly measure whether there is output at the load port of the water pump. No output proves that there is a problem with the main board. Just replace the main board.

7. Circuit breaker tripping

Firstly, ensure that the type of air switch is suitable, and then check. There are two types of circuit breaker trips, one is that the brake cannot be closed, and the other is that the unit can operate normally but occasionally trips to the circuit breaker.

(1) The air switch cannot be closed: replace an air switch and ensure that the wires are not connected. If not, it may be that the compressor is grounded or there is a short circuit on the main board. After the judgment is accurate, the compressor or the main board needs to be replaced.

(2) Occasional tripping of the circuit breaker: it is often caused by a virtual connection of the circuit breaker, and it is enough to check whether the circuit breaker is firmly connected. Of course, if the air is opened in a place with high humidity, it may be damp and cause tripping.

8. The wired controller fails

The failure of the wired controller includes the black screen of the wired controller, the communication failure of the wired controller, and the insensitivity of the wired controller.