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Does the air energy heat pump consume electricity?

Date: 2023-01-09

What customers care most about before installing air energy heat pump heating equipment, and the questions we are most often asked are: “Is the operating cost of air energy heating high?”, “How much electricity can air energy heating save?”, “Air energy heating How much does heating cost per day?”.

Any air energy heating system installed according to professional design and specifications must save electricity compared with ordinary electric heating! Due to differences in the installation location, house insulation effect, and ambient temperature, the energy-saving effect will also vary accordingly.

Through interviews and investigations, we found that the air energy heating systems that are very “power-intensive” during the heating period more or less have the following problems.

1. Unqualified air energy heat pump host

Because of the rapid development of the air energy hot water heating market in recent years, many manufacturers without core technology have entered one after another. The assembly of miscellaneous brands is misleading in the market, and the main feature of cheap price attracts attention.

There is no problem with this kind of air energy host in daily use, but its COP value is 10% or lower than that of the brand manufacturer’s host, so the more it is used, the more power it consumes. At the same time, due to the evaporator, condensing heat exchanger and shell of the non-brand assembled machine have cut corners, the compressor is shoddy, the throttling technology and the electric control board are simple, and there are often failures such as defrosting shutdown and low-temperature shutdown, which will also affect The improvement of energy efficiency ratio, the stability and service life of the unit.

2. Defects in the design of the air energy terminal heating system

Heating distribution system

In many non-professional construction units, even if they use brand hosts, the configuration scheme of the entire air source heat pump heating system is unreasonably designed, which will also lead to the high power consumption of the system.

Improper selection of the water pump compatible with the air energy unit will cause the situation of “big horse and small cart” as the saying goes, resulting in increased energy consumption of the entire system.

The choice of different heating methods at the end of the system also has an important impact on operating costs. For example, radiators and floor heating. Under the same host system, heating area, and heating habits, the energy efficiency ratio of the air source heat pump system at the end of the floor heating system is higher than that of the heating system. The system of the chip is higher by nearly 0.6 to 1.0. A higher energy efficiency ratio means that the same heating effect can be achieved by consuming less electricity. In the end, under the same basic heating conditions, the power consumption of the two may differ by 50% or more.

3. Outdated electronic control system

Air energy heat pump electric control system

The programs run by related devices in the air source heat pump system are critical software for the system. It is the same as the hardware facilities in the system and has a direct or indirect impact on the power consumption of the system.

For example, the shorter the defrosting time and the more thorough the defrosting equipment, the lower the power consumption of the system.

In addition, the electric auxiliary heating program starting too early will also increase the running power consumption. Some equipment should start electric auxiliary heating at minus 5 degrees Celsius, but it actually starts at zero degrees Celsius. At this time, the air source heat pump will no longer draw heat from the air but become a purely electric heating body.

Another important point is that running the water pump when it should not be running will also increase the power consumption of the air source heat pump heating system. Some water pumps in air source heat pump heating systems run 24 hours a day. At this time, the power consumption of the water pump is even higher than that of the compressor. Therefore, designing the control program of the water pump is also an important technical link in controlling the power consumption of the air source heat pump heating system.

4. The installation of the air energy heat pump heating system is not standardized

Heating system installation specification

There is a saying in the industry that “three points for the product, seven points for the installation”. If a professional and standardized installation is not obtained, a well-configured air source heat pump heating system will still have high power consumption.

The installation of heating terminal materials, water pump installation, and pipeline selection will all affect the power consumption of the entire air source heat pump heating system.

The number of radiators and the installation of pipes are unreasonable, which will lead to uneven room temperature in each room. Even if the outlet water temperature is increased, it will only increase the overall indoor temperature, and cannot solve the phenomenon of different room temperature differences. On the contrary, the temperature rise of the room where the room temperature reaches the standard is high, which causes energy consumption loss to a certain extent and increases the heating cost of the user.

5. Unscientific use of heating causes an increase in electricity bills

Unscientific heating methods

If you want to increase the indoor temperature, you can increase the outlet water temperature of the air source heat pump at will, but in fact, it is not to set the outlet water temperature of the equipment as high as possible. The scientific method of use should be to set the appropriate outlet water temperature according to the weather conditions: When the outdoor temperature is low, set the outlet water temperature higher, otherwise lower the temperature. The setting of the outlet water temperature will affect the power consumption of the entire air source heat pump heating system.

Finally, another important factor that affects the power consumption of air energy heating is the insulation measures of the house. The difference in energy consumption between a house with good insulation and a house with poor insulation may be half or even double. The insulation condition of the wall accounts for about 40% of all factors affecting the power consumption of the air source heat pump heating system.

Based on the above, there are many factors that affect the heating operation cost of air-source heat pumps. As long as you choose professional installers and regular suppliers, you can avoid many unnecessary troubles and costs in future use.