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Data Secret: Six Disadvantages of Air Energy Heat Pumps

Date: 2023-02-04

On April 20, 2020, Mr. Wang, a villager in Shuangcheng District, Harbin City, Heilongjiang, chose to stop heating in winter. Mr. Wang chose a 5P air source heat pump to heat a family of 85 square meters. But in the winter heating period, the winter temperature of minus 26 degrees makes the air source heat pump unable to heat, and even the chassis and pipes installed outdoors are frozen. Very disappointed.

After 6 days of being in the cold, Mr. Wang was looking forward to the long-overdue air energy maintenance personnel. The maintenance workers disassembled the air energy unit and took a look. The air energy system, compressor, evaporator, casing heat exchanger, etc. All parts are cracked. After the maintenance, this “low-temperature air energy unit” finally operated barely, but the temperature in Mr. Wang’s home was only 13 degrees, and the heating temperature of the air energy could not be raised.

From October 2019 to April 2020, Mr. Wang used an air-source heat pump for heating in winter and spent a total of 8,430 yuan on heating electricity. What is the concept of an electricity bill of more than 8,000 yuan? Mr. Wang in Harbin City only spent 3,000 yuan on coal for heating in the winter. The air energy heat pump is used as coal-to-electricity heating equipment, but the electricity bill is so expensive, what is the conscience?

Data Secret: Six Disadvantages of Air Energy Heat Pumps

The air energy heat pump works according to the “reverse Carnot” principle. It works through the operation of the compressor system and absorbs the heat in the air to make hot water. The working principle sounds high-end, but in fact, the air source heat pump has the disadvantages of poor heating effect and high power consumption, and there are certain deceptions in heating operation. In order to reveal the true face of air energy, let’s take a look at the six major disadvantages of air energy heat pumps:

1. The biggest disadvantage of air energy heat pumps is that they are not resistant to colds and have poor heating effects. The main energy of the air source heat pump comes from the heat in the air. However, the outdoor temperature is very low in winter, and the heat in the air is very little, which leads to the low heating efficiency of the air source heat pump, and the power consumption of the air source heat pump will increase. . If the outdoor temperature drops below 10 degrees in winter, the air source heat pump may be damaged due to cold, frost and other reasons, making it unable to provide normal heating and becoming an expensive and power-consuming device.

2. The purchase cost of the air energy heat pump is too high. Rural areas have always been the main battlefield for coal-to-electricity conversion. The income of farmers is not high, and they are discouraged by the high price of air energy heat pumps. It is reported that even a small air-energy heat pump costs more than 10,000 yuan. The initial purchase cost is too high, and the air-energy heat pump will not be guaranteed in the later stage, which leads to the maintenance of rural coal-to-electricity users. maintenance fee.

3. The air energy heat pump is very troublesome both in installation and after the sale. Most of the air energy heat pumps are produced in the southern region, while the coal-to-electricity project is carried out in the northern region. The transportation distance of this air energy equipment is very long, and the installation service in the early stage and the door-to-door after-sales service in the later stage also require long travel to operate. , there is a time lag, it is not convenient, and the cost of after-sales installation is another problem.

4. The air energy heat pump is easily damaged. If there is a power outage at home in winter, the moisture left inside the air source heat pump equipment will freeze quickly, causing damage such as frost cracks and pipe bursts; if it works in hot summer, the compressor of the air source heat pump will be very It is easy to age, carbonize, and burn out; if the scale is not cleaned regularly, the casing heat exchanger in the air source heat pump will rupture, causing the entire unit to be scrapped.

5. The air energy heat pump is large in size and noisy. The air energy heat pump not only needs to install on the chassis outdoors but also needs to install on the main engine indoors. The air energy heat pump needs to be placed on the ventilated ground or the roof of the building, which occupies a very large area and is not suitable for the aesthetics of the home; The noise of the heat pump is very loud, which will also affect the normal rest of the residents.

6. The power consumption of the air energy heat pump is too large, and the problem of defrosting is serious. The remarkable climatic feature of most northern regions is the long and severe winter. The low temperature in winter means that there is very little heat in the air, and the air-energy heat pump relies on air heat as its operating power has to be heated all the time, resulting in the working time of the air-energy heat pump. If it is too long, the power consumption will be scary; in addition, when the temperature is lower than minus 5°C if the air energy heat pump is powered off for more than 4 hours, it is likely to cause the heat exchanger to freeze and crack, which requires the air energy The heat pump is powered on and heated for a long time, which makes the air energy and electricity cost extremely expensive.