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Antifreeze and cleaning method of air energy heat pump

Date: 2023-01-12

1. About air energy heat pump electric auxiliary heating?

Some air energy heat pumps have electric heating auxiliary, that is, the air energy heat pump hot water unit adopts PTC electric auxiliary heating, which can change the calorific value according to the change of room temperature and the air volume of the indoor unit, so as to adjust the indoor temperature to achieve the rapid and powerful heating purpose.

Generally speaking, the weather in the north is cold, which is a serious test for the heating of air energy heat pump hot water units. The effect of water and heating is not ideal. In this case, air energy needs to have the function of electric auxiliary heating. Due to the adjustment and auxiliary effect of electric auxiliary heating on the heating capacity of air energy, it has overcome the technical shortcomings of some air energy manufacturers, allowing their air Products can be used in very cold areas.

Antifreeze and cleaning method of air energy heat pump

2. Causes of freezing and cracking of air energy heat pump units and anti-freezing measures

Common reasons for freezing and cracking of air source heat pump units:

01. The air source heat pump unit is powered off for a long time: When the temperature is lower than -5, if the power outage lasts for more than 4 hours, it is likely to cause the heat exchanger to freeze and crack. Therefore, when it is judged that there may be a long-term power outage, all the water in the air source heat pump unit, water pump, and outdoor air source heat pump pipeline should be drained to prevent the air source heat pump unit from freezing

02. The design of the main board of the air energy heat pump unit has no antifreeze protection function: each manufacturer’s machine design is different, and some machine mainboards do not have an antifreeze protection function. Once a failure occurs, it may cause the heat exchange sleeve to freeze and crack.

03. The water flow switch is not installed or the water flow switch is short-circuited: If the water flow switch is not installed or the water flow switch is short-circuited, it is likely to cause the air source heat pump unit to freeze and crack.

Antifreeze measures for air source heat pump in winter:

Strengthen the insulation effect of the pipeline;

Do not power off the air energy heat pump unit;

Add ethanol alcohol to the system water solution;

Condensed water should be properly disposed of;

The water inlet and outlet are opened with a three-way connection, and an emptying valve is installed;

Add antifreeze to the system;

The sundries and snow around the heat pump should be cleaned up in time.

3. Cleaning method of air energy heat pump hot water system

Before cleaning the heat pump hot water system, it is necessary to manually turn off the power, close the water inlet valve, open the water outlet valve, open the safety valve and turn the drain valve 90 degrees counterclockwise to drain the water the air energy heat pump hot water system to an appropriate amount. The water storage tank stores an appropriate amount of water, the water volume keeps circulating, the water outlet valve is turned off, and the drain valve is closed.

Pour the descaling agent of the air energy heat pump hot water system into the water storage bucket according to the ratio of 1:5-10, and circulate evenly. Turn on the main engine of the air energy heat pump, circulate for 2-3 hours, and check the pH value (or Ca2 concentration) of the descaling solution. When the pH value no longer changes or the Ca2 concentration no longer increases, add one-tenth of the original cleaning dose, test the pH value or Ca2 concentration, continue cleaning for 30 minutes, and measure the pH value increase or Ca2 concentration If it becomes larger, it means that the scale has not been completely removed and needs to continue descaling. If it does not change, it means that the scale has been completely removed.

After the descaling of the heat pump hot water system is completed, add an appropriate amount of pickling neutralizer, and when the pH value of the neutralization waste liquid is adjusted to 7-8, open the drain valve to drain the cleaning waste liquid. Close the drain valve, turn on the water supply switch, inject an appropriate amount of clean water, cycle and clean for half an hour, then discharge, repeat the above process 2-3 times, and the cleaning is over.